Fellow of CTQM
Fellow of JILA
Adjoint Professor, Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder
My main research interest is ultracold atoms and molecules loaded in optical lattices, which are periodic trapping potentials created by illuminating the atoms and molecules with laser beams. Atoms in optical lattices are analogous to electrons in solid state crystals. Their big advantage is that these "artificial crystals of light" are perfectly clean and highly controllable. Therefore, they are ideal for exploring a whole range of fundamental phenomena that are extremely difficult — or impossible — to study in traditional condensed matter systems. My goal is to study how to control and manipulate these systems to engineer different quantum phases such as superfluids, insulators, quantum magnets, and topological matter. I plan to use them for understanding the physics of strongly correlated bosonic and fermionic systems and nonequilibrium phenomena. Additionally, I am interested in studying how to generate and manipulate entanglement in quantum systems for use in quantum information processing and precision measurements.