
Law and Disorder

Magic Atom Theory

The Quantum Identity Crisis

Exciting Adventures in Coupling

Atoms, Atoms, Frozen Tight in the Crystals of the Light, What Immortal Hand or Eye Could Frame Thy Fearful Symmetry?

Dealing with Loss

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  • Welcome to the Center for Theory of Quantum Matter

    The Center for Theory of Quantum Matter (CTQM) conducts theoretical physics research focused on macroscopic quantum matter. This research area is a focal topic that transcends traditional discipline boundaries, unifying the otherwise disparate fields of condensed matter physics; atomic, molecuar and optical (AMO) physics; nuclear physics; high energy physics; and quantum information science. CTQM aims to leverage and develop the unique, broad-based strengths in these areas at CU Boulder, with the aim of becoming a recognized world leader in theoretical quantum matter research. The multidisciplinary nature of  the research makes the establishment of CTQM crucial to achieve this aim. CTQM is housed in the Department of Physics, with strong ties to JILA and NIST.

    The CTQM Director is Dr. Michael Hermele, Physics Department, University of Colorado Boulder. The Center Administrator is Jason Hopkins.

    Read about CTQM areas of research -->